March 1, 2024

Haunted Books - A cautionary tale

With Halloween lurking around the corner, we at Jasmin Group are thrilled to unveil some eerily entertaining bookkeeping chronicles. Partnering with our fantastic clients, we navigate through the murky waters of business and accounting dilemmas. It's not uncommon for our adventures to begin in crisis, only to uncover tales so chilling, they'd spook even the most seasoned accountant. Here is a sampling:

Overambitious Legal Assistant:  Small firms tend to have employees straddle many roles – qualified or not. In this story a legal assistant was put in charge of all of the firm’s accounts. While her bookkeeping was dismal, she was savvy enough to steal over $150,000. Jasmin Group discovered the theft fairly quickly and set them on a path of recovery.

Haunted Ledgers of the Church Folk – Bless their hearts, they tried to make their ledger work, but figures recorded in Excel tend to host a number of mistakes. Jasmin Group cleaned up their records and converted them to a software accounting program, and today Jasmin Group provides monthly bookkeeping services to keep them on track.

Nonprofit’s Curse of Frugality– This nonprofit still had the frugal mindset of using a piecemeal approach of using rotating staff or board members to keep the books. Unfortunately, this caused their books to be $500,000 in the negative. After curing their books, Jasmin Group was able to get them to a positive net for the year of $75,000.  They may still be celebrating.

What bone-chilling bookkeeping tales lurk in your closet? Share your stories with us, and let's exorcise those financial demons together, making sure the only thing that goes bump in the night is the sound of your thriving business!

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