February 15, 2024

Hiring Down

Employers are experiencing a phenomenon that rarely occurs across most sectors – they can’t secure fully qualified job applicants. From the trades, corporations, to nonprofits…..job applicants are lacking in meeting all of the required qualifications. For most employers this is not ideal, and it may damage the company in the long run – unless employers create a system of support and training for the employee.

When hiring down, consider the following actions:

  1. Assess with the employee the greatest needs for training.
  2. Assign others duties that the employee cannot perform at this time – or hire a consultant to perform duties.
  3. Create a plan for training, timeline, and list expectations.
  4. Document all steps in writing and have employee sign off that they understand the plan and expectations.
  5. Hire a consultant or provide in-house staff to provide training, mentorship, and expertise to help the employee.

There’s lots of room for negotiation in hiring down. Offer a lower salary at the start. Use the freed-up budget to gain the necessary training and mentorship. Once the employee has proven the ability to fully perform the job, raise their salary to the appropriate level.  Finally, be sure to hire someone who is willing to take on the challenge of learning and growing with a touch of humility. Need HR or training support, we’d love to help! Contact us [email protected].

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